Apr 29, 2022 | Notes From The Field
When it comes to the most well-researched bird in North America, few, if any, can top the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus). This critically endangered new world vulture was on the brink of extinction, primarily due to lead poisoning, until 1987 when all...
Jul 15, 2021 | Notes From The Field
I’ve recently planted milkweed in my yard in hopes of attracting one of the largest and most beautiful butterflies in North America to feed and lay eggs in my garden – the monarch butterfly. Chances are you’ve seen this easily recognizable orange and black beauty...
Mar 18, 2021 | Notes From The Field
Most people don’t pay much attention to their surroundings while getting through the day-to-day. And even fewer people notice the California towhees, black phoebes, and bushtits, common mainstays in southern California, that are within arm’s reach–chipping,...
Nov 20, 2020 | Notes From The Field
Through the heart of San Diego County runs the often-underappreciated aquatic gem that is the San Diego River. While most residents and visitors of the City are aware of the San Diego River (particularly when it is seen as a nuisance during times of heavy rain leading...
Mar 1, 2019 | Notes From The Field
Recently, my family and I took a vacation to the charming, coastal town of Mendocino in Northern California. We wanted a change of scenery and a change of pace and were delighted that this sliver of the state did not disappoint in either area. We will take away many...