May 13, 2022 | Notes From The Field
San Clemente Island is the southern-most island of the Channel Islands. It is owned and operated by the United States military, which makes visiting the island a rare occasion for civilians, and even military personnel. The island serves as the final training ground...
Feb 14, 2022 | Notes From The Field
It’s a jump to the left, and a step to the right! You can’t put your hands on your hips because you’re holding a phone. You could bring your knees in tight and do the pelvic thrust if you really wanted to make for a fun day in the field! Biological monitoring with the...
Sep 17, 2021 | Notes From The Field
My love for plants started at a young age with orchids. Growing up, I would spend a lot of time with my great aunt Frieda who grew all kinds of orchids. She had the classic Phalaenopsis, the lush Cymbidiums, and dainty Epidendrums. She had a kitchen table that was...