Balk Biological Services
We run our business like a business, not a research project. We understand deadlines and budgets, client relationships and deliverables. And we use that business acumen to provide you with the best possible experience.
Floral and wildlife surveys
Balk Biological’s biologists provide a full suite of biological resource surveys throughout southern California. Staff biologists and associates are permitted for the full range of special-status wildlife surveys, including Quino checkerspot butterfly, arroyo toad, California gnatcatcher, desert tortoise, flat-tailed horned lizard, least Bell’s vireo and southwestern willow flycatcher, and burrowing owl, to name just a few. Special-status plant surveys have been completed within the complete range of habitats throughout the region, from the coast through the foothills, mountains, and deserts, from San Diego and Imperial Counties in the south through Mendocino County in the north. As a recognized leader in botanical surveys and plant identification, Balk Biological has taught a variety of workshops in native plant identification and survey methods through the California Native Plant Society and Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden.
Vegetation community mapping
Wetlands delineation and permitting
Habitat restoration
Environmental compliance during construction
Impact assessment and permitting